Our future self - what would they say?
We all have a future-self ahead of us. What would they say to you, today? What advice? By observing different life stages in play, I imagine what my future self would say to me. ... Yesterday, my Father told me he had got a black spot on his eye from a burst blood vessel. The black spot followed him around everywhere he looked. 'That's how Grandad lost his sight,' he said. An hour later and we got a call from my partners family. His Grandad had gone to hospital after fainting and vomiting. He was now stable but shaken up. The aging of the body. A stage in the life cycle. ... As I sit on my balcony overlooking a shared garden, I reflect, observe and write. A curly-haired girl plays quietly with a toy on the balcony opposite and a baby cries in the background. The start of the life cycle. The girl ferries the plant pots around the balcony, rearranging them for the umpteenth time. Such purpose to every action she makes and each decision she takes! She squeals w...